Compliance – Veridos’ understanding
Compliance is a crucial basis for protecting the reputation of the company and the confidence that customers place in Veridos. For this reason, Veridos undertakes to ensure that employees and suppliers observe common values and guidelines.
Rules and values act as a compass with regard to corporate activity. They provide guidance on how to reach company objectives in a straightforward and sustainable manner. To ensure that both employees and business partners alike are aware of Veridos’ compliance principles – and that they act in accordance with them – the company has set up a Compliance organization and implemented a Compliance Management System.
Veridos follows a “zero tolerance” policy when it comes to Compliance. Breaches of guidelines and laws are not tolerated and are appropriately sanctioned. However, compliance is not just a matter of adhering to national or company rules; it also means acting in line with Veridos values. These values are innovation, reliability and collaboration. They apply when dealing with customers, partners, and suppliers, as well as when interacting with Veridos employees and the general public. In order to make it possible for all employees to perform their tasks in accordance with these values, Veridos has implemented a Code of Conduct as well as various guidelines.
Veridos’ Code of Conduct and Corporate Guidelines
Veridos’ values are reflected in the Code of Conduct, the company’s primary guidelines. Among other things, it includes respect for human rights and abiding by the law, and also explains Veridos’ responsibility within society. In addition, it addresses the safeguarding of data protection and self-determination with regard to information privacy. Moreover, it covers environmental protection and rules out the use of child and forced labor.
The Code of Conduct defines the scope for action applicable to all and applies to everyone at Veridos – at every site, in every business sector, and with respect to all business partners.
The Code of Conduct also integrates the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization, and the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Keeping track of important group guidelines
In order to comply with the laws as well as internal regulations, various compliance-related Corporate Guidelines were issued. They comprise the topics:
- Code of Conduct
- Sales Partner
- Gifts and Invitations
- Business Partner Evaluation and Selection
- Conflicts of Interest
- Donations & Sponsoring
- Antitrust Law