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SmartTravel from Veridos implements new ICAO recommendations for digital travel authorizations
In its new technical report, the ICAO makes recommendations for the design of digital travel authorizations. With SmartTravel from Veridos public authorities can adopt the ICAO guidelines through a quick and flexible implementation process.

Veridos welcomes new ICAO travel document specifications
ICAO has issued the 8th edition of Doc 9303 for the standardization of machine-readable travel documents. Veridos supported the creation of the current Doc 9303 edition through various contributions in consultation with international standardization bodies.
Read more Veridos welcomes new ICAO travel document specifications

Bangladesh celebrates the country’s first eGates
This week, Asaduzzaman Khan, Honorable Minister of Home Affairs of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, officially opened the country’s first eGates at the capital’s International Airport. The implementation of the state-of-the-art automated border control (ABC) solution is part of the country’s overall modernization of the next-generation electronic passport infrastructure.

Veridos reaches halfway point and first results in D4Fly project
Two years ago, the EU-funded "D4Fly" project started, with the aim of improving document and identity verification techniques at border-crossing points. In addition to contributing to several work packages, Veridos is the overall coordinator of the project.
Read more Veridos reaches halfway point and first results in D4Fly project

Bundesdruckerei and Veridos continue to secure travel worldwide for a further five years
Bundesdruckerei will continue to manage the Public Key Directory Service (PKD) of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for a further five years. Like the previous five years, support will be provided by the identity solution provider Veridos, a company in which Bundesdruckerei holds a 40% share.
Read more Bundesdruckerei and Veridos continue to secure travel worldwide for a further five years

These 5 features are essential for a Covid-19 vaccination certificate
The introduction of the Covid-19 vaccines across the globe has prompted discussions on the need for vaccination documentation. Veridos explains the five prerequisites of a secure and effective vaccination certificate.
Read more These 5 features are essential for a Covid-19 vaccination certificate

Bangladesh successfully pushes the roll-out of ePassport infrastructure
Bangladesh has achieved several key milestones in its nationwide transition to next-generation electronic passports in 2020. Despite the adverse circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, the People's Republic was able to decisively advance the modernization project together with its German technology partner Veridos.
Read more Bangladesh successfully pushes the roll-out of ePassport infrastructure

Veridos and idpeople win ePassport tender in Denmark
The Kingdom of Denmark, represented by the Danish National Police, has enlisted Veridos and the Danish ID specialist idpeople to design, produce and personalize new electronic passports.
Read more Veridos and idpeople win ePassport tender in Denmark

Veridos paves the way for secure and autonomous border crossing
In light of the current Covid-19 pandemic, Veridos, a world-leading provider of integrated identity solutions, offers solutions that support seamless and contactless automated border control.
Read more Veridos paves the way for secure and autonomous border crossing

Botswana reinforces a decade-old partnership with Veridos
The Ministry of Nationality, Immigration and Gender Affairs of the Republic of Botswana acting through the Department of Immigration and Citizenship has placed an additional order for state-of-the-art ePassports with Veridos.
Read more Botswana reinforces a decade-old partnership with Veridos

Veridos introduces a new solution for eVisas and electronic travel authorizations
As part of a comprehensive border control solution, SmartTravel offers an efficient and secure digital visa application and issuance process that benefits travelers and government agencies alike.
Read more Veridos introduces a new solution for eVisas and electronic travel authorizations

Civil registry as the driver for the UN sustainability goal "legal identity for all“
UN Day on October 24th is a reminder to review the status of the Sustainable Development Goals, which include the effort to provide all people with a legal identity by 2030.
Read more Civil registry as the driver for the UN sustainability goal "legal identity for all“